Community Policing
Block Watch
Landlord/Tenant Training
Other Community Programs
Community Policing
Community policing focuses on crime and social disorder through the delivery of police services that includes aspects of traditional law enforcement, as well as prevention, problem-solving, community engagement, and partnerships. The community policing model balances reactive responses to calls for service with proactive problem-solving centered on the causes of crime and disorder. Community policing requires police and citizens to join together as partners in the course of both identifying and effectively addressing these issues.
Since 1995, the Kelso Police Department has been involved in providing a community/police approach to prevent and deter crime and improve neighborhood livability. This “customer-service” police strategy involved the training of all police administrative, supervisory, and patrol officers in community “partnerships” that utilize a problem-solving method to reduce crime and fear of crime.
The goal of the police department in 2005 was to train all supervisory personnel in Problem-Oriented-Policing instructed by Rana Sampson of the U.S. Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Services. Supervisors utilize COPS training guidelines and strategically target crime “hot spots.” By creating partnerships with business owners, citizens, governmental resources, and through enforcement, pro-active crime prevention and problem-solving, the cause and effect of crime can be reduced.
The Block Watch program is a police-community driven concept where neighborhood citizens are taught the basic crime prevention tools to make neighborhoods less attractive to criminals.
Get to know your neighbors. At least one time per year have a neighborhood get together. Plan an event such as a Potluck Picnic, or an Ice Cream Social. Involve the children. Food seems to attract lots of people.
Operation ID. Mark at least three items in your home with your driver's license number. Mark items that are likely to be stolen, such as stereos, computers, televisions or microwaves. The marking should be permanent and include the indication of "WA" for Washington, and "DL" for driver's license, e.g. WA/SMITHJP544LN/DL.
Physical Security of the home. Block Watch members will be given information on home security and can improve the security of their homes as they see fit and can afford.
Ask your neighbors, do they want to start a Block Watch?
Decide how large your Block Watch neighborhood is?
The decision is yours, 8 homes, 15 homes, 30 homes....
Plan the initial meeting, where and what night of the week is best for your neighbors to meet to learn about
Call the City of Kelso Police Department at 423-1270 to schedule the first meeting. We will come to your location to present the principles of Block Watch, and crime watch techniques
The goal of the landlord/tenant program is to educate landlords and tenants on how to keep illegal activity from occurring on rental property. It begins when citizens recognize the problems that reduce neighborhood livability and want to do something about it. The most effective way to deal with drug activity on rental property is through a coordinated effort with police, landlords, and neighbors. This program encourages neighbors to take an active role in preventing crime in their neighborhood.
The training covers applicant screening, rental agreements, on-going property management, warning signs of drug activity, clandestine labs, crisis resolution, and the role of the police.
If you are interested in the landlord/training program call the Kelso Police Department at 360-423-1270.
- Police Citizens' Academy
- National Night Out
- Every Fifteen Minutes
"I found myself overwhelmed with emotion. The thought of losing my child at the hands of a drunk driver was too much to bear." - A parent
"This was an eye-opening experience that I'd recommend to every senior in high school."--Castle Rock senior
"This program will forever change my life. Thank you so much!"--Woodland senior
If you have questions about 'Every Fifteen Minutes', please call (360) 577-3092.
For more information please call us for non-emergencies at 360-423-1270.